Is paint sticking to hands?

Is paint sticking to hands?

Sometimes when you accidentally touched the wall, you felt in your hand dust and then probably sticks to the clothes as well. Surely, that makes you uncomfortable. It is chalking for the name. You can research that’s problem mostly happen.

Is paint sticking to hands?

What causes: Chalking the wall paint is caused by several factors. First, for some paints, using a painted wall for the interior and exterior needs different paints, because the resistance for each paint is different, so it, maybe wrong when applying the painted wall for the interior or exterior. Then, damage to the binder is components such as dyes and solvents for paint. Next, the paint used is too runny, so when applied the paint dries quickly and makes the film layer not form completely. The last is the quality of the paint that is used. So, what must you do about this?

Is paint sticking to hands?

How to fix: Sand the areas affected by calcification, then clean the wall and repaint again. When coating paint again, also you need to pay attention to the quality of the paint. You need paint that durable and has good resistance on the wall. Take a look at Noroo paint for references.

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